Monday, February 21, 2011

My Heart Grows

Early Friday morning on February 11th, at 6:37 a.m. my heart grew 8 lbs and 11 oz in the shape of a new sweet niece named Erin Grainne. My big brother Adam and sister-in-law Leigh are new parents, and what a blessing this little girl is to them and everyone who loves them.

I got to visit this weekend and meet my new sweet niece, and she's precious! She loves to snuggle. She loves her Mama and her Daddy. She likes her swing, but she didn't get much of a chance at it with Aunt Bethany around to snatch her up. She has such dainty little hands, the softest skin. She's just perfect! :)

It sure does my heart good to be around my family. I've had two great weekends in a row - getting to spend special time with family members who live away. I'm just so thankful that God blessed me with a family of such love. We just really enjoy being together.

My first live look at Erin! Leigh wins Best Wife and Mother award for taking Erin to support her daddy in his first SMFL (Saturday Morning Football League) game since his daughter's birth.

Jesse was also there to support his daddy. This is Scott reading the quarterback right before his pick-6. Good job Daddy!!! Whoo!!!!!

Adam's friend Grant brought his dogs to the game. Jesse wasn't disappointed. They have a little boy in their house that's 3 days older than Jesse, so they know how little boys love dogs. :)

Back from the game, I finally got my hands on this girl!!! PRECIOUS!

She'll need Ella to help her with that BINK

Uncle Scott's so good with Erin. :)
He knows how to handle babies.

Aunt Joni and Uncle Joshy love this baby.
Aunt Joni baby whispered Erin to sleep.
Adam and Leigh want to her stay a few nights. :)

Here's Erin, Jesse. What do you think?

Jesse thinks she's pretty, but she sure took a lot of my mom's attention.
I love seein these boys with their babies!!!

Gettin' some love from Uncle Joshy - good hands Joshua! :)

Thanks Grandpa Kent! :)

Beautiful Mama with Beautiful Erin!
Notice the A&M shirt Leigh is wearing after they beat OSU the night before in basketball? Hmmm...

I love these two!!

Happy Mamas with Beautiful Babies

Snugglin' with Aunt B. Did anyone else get to hold Erin?

A beautiful day to walk to the lake and feed the ducks and birds.
We were missing Toby, Yvette, and Elyse.

Heading down to the water to feed all the ducks.
I had Barry on his leash, he lunged toward the ducks,
and they all started to leave.
So I brought Barry away from the water.

Barry was just too excited. He worked hard and slipped out of his collar and
They all quickly scattered, while my dog went swimming out into Whiterock Lake.

A little ways out, there was a pile of muck that Barry got stuck in.
I got nervous and knew that if Barry got stuck, Scott would rescue him.
I was also worried that Scott would be upset that I let Barry get loose.

After freeing himself from the nasty muck, he headed back to us on the shore.
He was very dirty.
He had the time of his life.

Aunt 'Noni' is a bird whiperer...and still has great aim with that All State softball arm.
She'd throw the bread up into the air, and they'd catch it in their mouths! Stud.

Happy One Year Anniversary!
We love this awesome couple and had so much fun playing 'one year ago today...'

1 comment:

  1. Family Fun! I can't wait for my turn to snuggle with Bebe Erin.
