There are certainly times of frustration when I spend all day every day with a growing 13 month old boy. The great majority of my day, Jesse and I have a lot of fun. He makes me laugh, we play, I watch him play, and we're happy. Then there are moments that happen a lot of days where he and I aren't as happy with one another.
Those frustrating moments usually happen in the evening when Jesse wants me to hold him as he directs me where he wants me to go with the leaning and thrusting of his torso. I try to fix dinner for my hard-working husband who works all day so I can stay home and raise our son. Jesse wants me to give him the hot pan on the oven or my glass of water, which he will dump all over both of us then toss on the ground. It has happened with cups AND one glass. He may get mad that I take the fireplace rocks or dog food out of his mouth.
I tell myself many 'One day...' statements:
One day Jesse will be able to use his words to tell me what he wants instead of yelling.
One day Jesse will be able to help me pick up his messes.
One day Jesse will not tug on my legs and yell while I cook dinner.
Today is the 10 year anniversary of the plane accident that killed 10 OSU basketball family members including Nate Fleming. One article about Nate really touched me. It's told from the perspective of his dad, how much love he had for Nate, and how he'd give anything to have another day with his boy. gives me a better perspective that this time with Jesse will fly by. Everyone says it goes so fast.
One day Jesse will not want to be with me as much as he does now.
One day Jesse will not want me to hold him.
One day Jesse will be at school, and I'll wish he was with me.
That helps me enjoy the moments Jesse wants me to be happy. It helps me treasure these moments rather than looking forward to a time in the future. Each day Jesse will grow and learn and overcome some challenges, and new challenges will come.
I'm thankful for our Jesse! I'm thankful for today and each day we've had with him.