Monday, September 20, 2010

All Around the Blakemore House...

All around the Blakemore House,
The Jesse Boy chases Barry.
And doorstops,
And Barry's toys,
And his ball,
And Barry's dog dish,
And the fireplace...

Jesse is out and about. He had his own little army crawl. He pulls with his right arm and pushes with his left leg. He has discovered doorstops. I knew that some kids like doorstops. I now feel that MOST kids like doorstops. He's learned how to take off the little knobby things from the end of them, and they make the best boingy sound when you swat at them.

Ope! Mom caught me under the stroller. I found another doorstop, Mom!!
These things are the best!

I got that white thing off!

Mom says this ball is Yucky for me to put in my mouth, but I don't mind.

This jumperoo is fun from the bottom too.

Let's does this thing work?

One won't work...not two...three is JUST right!

Jesse's a little bit of a monkey in the way he uses his feet

Going for the green ball

Now for the blue one

On my 9 month birthday, my mom got out a pan and a wooden spoon
for me to make some fun noise

I can chew on this spoon too!

Whoo, whoo! This if fun! :)

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